Welcome to EMCG 2025
The 2025 5th International Conference on Economic Management and Corporate Governance (EMCG 2025) will be held in Montreal, Canada from July 26-27, 2025. The main purpose of the conference is to convene academicians, scientists, engineers and researchers working in various disciplines in these fields to exchange opinions and exchange their expertise, experience and research results, and discuss challenges and future directions. They specialize in the areas of economic management, business information systems, decision sciences, corporate governance, market structure and pricing.

We invited submissions of papers on all topics related to economic management and corporate governance. The conference provides networking opportunities for participants to share ideas, designs, and experiences on the future directions. The conference will feature a high-quality technical & experiential program dealing with a mix of traditional and contemporary hot topics in paper presentations and high-profile keynotes.
Submission and Peer Review
All submitted papers must be original and must not be published in advance or accepted for publication elsewhere. During the peer review process, it must not be reviewed by any other meeting or publication. Please follow the format. Prospective authors are kindly invited to submit full text papers including results, tables, figures and references. Full text papers (.pdf or .doc) will be accepted. Find the paper format here, and all submitted paper must strictly follow the required font. All submitted papers will be double-blinded by at least two reviewers selected from the committee chair. 

In addition, if you do not want to publish any papers, you are welcome to join us as presenter, listener, etc. Please submit your paper to: icemcg@126.com. Distinguished experts are welcomed to join in and work on the international review boards of EMCG Conference and serve as a scientific committee member of us, Please send you CV to us.
Oral Presentation Instructions
Timing: a maximum of 15 minutes total, including speaking time and discussion. Please make sure your presentation is well timed. Please keep in mind that the program is full and that the speaker after you would like their allocated time available to them. 

You can use CD or USB flash drive (memory stick), make sure you scanned viruses in your own computer. Each speaker is required to meet her/his session chair in the corresponding session rooms 10 minutes before the session starts and copy the slide file(PPT or PDF) to the computer. 

It is suggested that you email a copy of your presentation to your personal inbox as a backup. If for some reason the files can't be accessed from your flash drive, you will be able to download them to the computer from your email. 

Please note that each session room will be equipped with a LCD projector, screen, point device, microphone, and a laptop with general presentation software such as Microsoft PowerPoint and Adobe Reader. Please make sure that your files are compatible and readable with our operation system by using commonly used fronts and symbols. If you plan to use your own computer, please try the connection and make sure it works before your presentation. 

Movies: If your PowerPoint files contain movies please make sure that they are well formatted and connected to the main files.
Paper Publication
All accepted papers of EMCG Conference will be published by DRP《Highlights in Business, Economics and Management》ISSN: 2957-952X, and all published papers will be submitted to Crossref, Google Scholar, Semantic Scholar, ResearchGate, Scilit and CPCI for indexing.

Highlights in Business, Economics and Management is an open access, peer-reviewed publication series published by Darcy & Roy Press. It aims to publish conference proceedings dealing with all areas of business, economics and management, etc. 

Highlights in Business, Economics and Management offers a wide range of services from the organization of the submission of conference proceedings to the worldwide dissemination of the conference papers. All proceedings in this series are open access, the articles published in them are immediately and permanently free to read, download, copy & distribute. Each volume is published under the CC BY-NC 4.0 user license which defines the permitted 3rd-party reuse of its articles. 
Highlights in Business, Economics and Management
ISSN: 2957-952X
Conference History and Indexing